The Buffalo News: Maggie Shea gives advice on retaining workers

Maggie Shea was interviewed by The Buffalo News on why retaining workers is just as important as recruiting them. Click here to read the full article!!

“As they did before the pandemic, employers have resorted to poaching workers from other companies.

That's why retaining workers is just as important as recruiting them, said Maggie Shea, managing partner of Humboldt Parkway employment agency StaffBuffalo.

"Since Covid, the need to hire and retain top staff has exponentially increased, so that companies are more focused on one good hire of someone with many talents versus mediocre hires to just fill a seat," she said.

Companies are taking the time and money necessary to find more specialized workers who will fit into the company's culture for the long haul.

Still, it's not easy.

"People have very specific needs and wants and they will wait until they find the best fit in an organization and in a position," Shea said. "Companies have to entice people to leave their positions or come out of unemployment by offering tangible benefits that they need."

Companies are turning to signing bonuses to attract workers.

StaffBuffalo has been working with its clients to make them more attractive to workers. That includes helping them enhance their corporate culture, pay, benefits and time off.  Those things are more important than ever, now that widespread worker introspection has led to the Great Resignation.

"Instead of worrying about making more money, people seem to be assessing what really matters to them and how they envision their lives," Shea said. She added later, "People are preferring to cut down on expenses versus staying employed throughout the uncertainty," Shea said.”


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Lauren Lewis and Maggie Shea are speaking at the New York Cannabis Conference